+44 (0)800 368 8074
Ascentae Signature Room

Welcome to The Signature Room

This space is designed to demonstrate Microsoft Teams Rooms solutions and multi-camera technology. There are 2 x Jupiter 105” screens and 4 separate PC’s.
Ascentae | Signature Room


To navigate the solution, a Kramer touch controller is installed.

The main functions of this room are

West MTR
Teams meetings using Huddly Crew and HDL310
Data sharing is available via the Kramer Via system

West OPS    
Windows desktop applications including Nialli

Dual Screen  
Both Jupiter screens are active
(Note:  please ask support team to configure this prior to demonstrations)

North MTR
Teams meeting using Lumens cameras and HDL410

North OPS 
Teams/Zoom meeting using HDL410 zoning and Huddly L1/IQ

West MTR Equipment:
Jupiter 105 Touch screen
Lenovo MTR
Nureva HDL310
Huddly Crew multi-camera system

Make sure the furniture in the room is configured for Signature Room layout.

To invite the room to a meeting, send email invitation to [email protected].

This will be the default system for regular meetings.

West OPS Equipment:
Jupiter 105 Touch Screen
Jupiter OPS PC
Nureva HDL310

Do not use the OPS for video calls, this system is designed to run Windows applications and does not have a camera attached.

North MTR Equipment:
Jupiter 105 Touch Screen
Lenovo MTR
Nureva HDL410
2 x Lumens PTZ cameras

To invite the room to a meeting, send email invitation to [email protected].

The Lumens cameras are configured to move to different pre-sets in the room based on the audio feed from the HDL410.

North OPS Equipment:
Jupiter 105 Touch Screen
Jupiter OPS PC
Nureva HDL410
Inogeni Cam230 camera switched
Huddly L1
Huddly IQ

You can use Teams or Zoom to hold a call on this system.
To invite the room to a Teams meeting, send email invitation to [email protected].

The Inogeni Cam230 will automatically switch between the Huddly camera based on your location in the room.
If you are presenting in front of the screen, the camera will switch to the Huddly IQ.  In the rest of the room, it will use the Huddly L1.  The camera will automatically frame participants in the call.


Get in touch with Ascentae.