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Ascentae Remote Working
The future of work

Remote working.

With remote and hybrid working today, organisations need to deliver a great and healthy experience for employees - wherever they are working. High quality video conferencing keeps people connected, engaged and involved. Online desk booking tools help keep people productive and safe, allowing you to manage numbers and flow around the office.
Future of work

Video conferencing

When the pandemic hit businesses, they shifted rapidly from office to remote work, and IT was focused on keeping people working and productive. Since then, IT leaders have been looking beyond critical needs and creating workspaces that support hybrid meetings, providing office based and remote workers the choice to work at home or in the office. Organisations need to invest in good quality in-room hardware to ensure remote workers have a great experience.
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Desk Booking

Desk booking

To ensure space is available and to manage the number of people at the office, you and your colleagues can use online desk booking tools to book a workplace in advance. Having flexible desk booking start times allows organisations to encourage staggered arrival times. This avoids unsafe crowding in building entrances/key walking routes, and ensures a desk is available for an employee’s start time. Partner this with an Outlook plugin, and organisations can provide employees with the ability to integrate with the office systems from home – ensuring they can book their workspace in advance of travelling to the office.
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Ascentae & Maxhub

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